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Saturday, August 25, 2018


Faith can be defined different ways. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
In regards to religious connotation, a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on
spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Either definition is asking for you to but your trust in something
that isn’t tangible. Unlike an apple, per say, it is not something you can hold in your hands but it is
something hold on to with every fabric of your being. I have a strong belief in faith and in a greater
power than anything else that can be seen or touched. I know because I have experienced faith even
though I had no right to believe. I, sometimes don’t deem myself worth of God’s love or grace, but
without skipping beat he grants it to me in so many ways. I have cheated on test, I have lied to friends
and family, I have stolen things, I have taken the God's name in vain. I’ve done just about everything
a person who believe in God should not do and yet I find myself blessed. I seek remorse, ask for
forgiveness and repent. I seem to still find myself falling back into bad habits, living in madness,
knowing I am doing wrong but at times unable to stop myself. I judge people wrongly, I lie to complete
strangers, I consciously say terrible things. I still ask for forgiveness, I still ask to be humbled before the
father. You ask how my confession of wrong doings has to do with faith. Well I still believe that I can
become a good person, I still believe that God loves me, I have faith that he has a plan for me and
will show me the way to follow my dreams. Faith isn't easy, faith isn't without struggle, but faith is
sometimes the only means to keep me going forward. I understand that not everyone believes in faith,
I respect their opinions to believe whatever they want to believe. But I can only hope that they have
faith in a better life, faith in finding happiness and faith in finding the good in people. This injury has
taken my train of thought in directions that I could have never imagined. I see the good in people, the
compassion in helping someone in need. I have complete strangers offering me help because I have
a hard time getting around, extending graciousness without expectation. I have faith that God will
provide for me in my time of need as long as I believe in his love and his truth. I know this sounds
all churchy and stuff and this will turn a lot of people away buy for me, I need this in my life now.
I desperately need it as my crutch in a my walk into righteousness, See people can post scripture,
quote scripture and read the bible everyday but if they don't have faith in what their saying and doing
hat its is just a bad as being a conscience sinner. I have faith that when I wake tomorrow that it will be
a better day because I have faith in mankind and I have faith in God. So I promise that tomorrow's
post will be a bit more lighthearted, I just had to get this off my chest and into the world. Until we
meet again tomorrow, this was…..just a thought.

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Just a Thought....Coping.

Just a Thought....Coping. I write this post tonight with a different heart and mindset. One of the hardest things to accept when you go down...