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Monday, September 30, 2019

Just a Thought....Cramps.

Just a Thought....Cramps. Every day I creep closer to the middle of what will hopefully be life spectrum I have a goal age of 80. What is the significance of that number you ask, well let me tell you? That is the age I want to get to, if God willing, before my time on earth is done. My age is steadily increasing every 365 days and as I get closer to closing out another year. I start to realize how much a body can start to breakdown. I will be 45 on October 9 and as I see it in my heart, I have another 35 years to make an impactful impression on the world. Now as I transform my life, I also am transforming my body and health as well. I think both will coincide with each other so it is best to change both aspects of your life at the same time. Your mind, body, and soul all need to be renewed. So going through such a drastic change also hinder your growth if you do too much, too fast. I learned the hard way that my body ain't what it used to be. It has it fair share of problems now just like a lot of people who are reaching these ages and are overweight or have some kind of illness that prevents someone from engaging in physical activity. I have been running on a treadmill and also pushing my physical work at my job. Steadily climbing up and down from the bed of the truck to the ground and hand unloading heavy material is always a killer in my book. I find myself trying to stay hydrated in the heat and sweating so much takes quite a bit out of me. I am not anywhere close to being my desired weight and having a BMI (Body Mass Index) that is is within the range i am supposed to be in for my height. When I rest after such a physical day at work when I lay down and my body is supposed to be totally at rest is when I have the most problems. I fall asleep to only be awakened by the tightening of my calf or hamstrings that cramp from dehydration. I drink a lot of water but not as much as I should. I am sure it would help me from getting a freaking charlie horse. Or the stiffness in the calf that debilitates me like nothing else. I hate getting cramps and not trying to compare the pain of birth with the wimpy pain of getting a stomach cramp but that shit still hurts. I have been taking a multivitamin and magnesium and B12 to keep me nimble and agile to make it through four quarters of a football game or at least a full workday. So as I stretch for the bed to avoid the dreaded pressure of cramps, I bid you adieu my friends. So until tomorrow, this was.....just a thought

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