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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Just a Thought....Helping Hands.

Just a Thought....Helping Hand. There comes a point in just about everyone's life that you need help. Whether it is getting a job, borrowing money, or needing a place to stay. We all need that boost to get us where we are going. Having our parents help us move to college. Using a friend as a reference to get a good job. Living with a friend or relative when you fall on hard times. I've seen people give to others without hesitation from truly the bottom of their hearts just because they what it is like to struggle and need help getting out a hole. I try to be that way and even though I don't have a lot to offer. Whatever I do have I try to give with an earnest heart. I know what it is like to struggle and have to seek help because you've made mistakes and are trying to work past the problems. So why do people act so smugly towards others who truly need help when they are in a bad situation. If someone is seeking the help of another, do you know how difficult it is to ask for help just because you know the shame and embarrassment that is placed upon you by those with whom you seek their assistance? Do you know how much grief that person had to accept just to swallow their pride and ask for help? It is never easy to ask. I know that by asking, we are placing ourselves in the direct line of judgment by our presumed lenders. I've been in the position of feeling like shit with my head hung low asking to be helped out of a situation. It sucks, you feel like a failure, you feel low and you just want to crawl in a dark room and cry for a few hours. But you have to take the help given, accept the terms and responsibility for your actions that put you in this situation in the first place. Find a way to get yourself out of the hole and start building a foundation in which you can stand. Build yourself up as high as you can so that hopefully, you have learned a lesson from your mistakes so that you will hopefully never end up back in that position again. Then you get in a position to help another who needs it. Remember the feelings you had when in the same position and try not to be that same person who judged you on your situation and not your character. Be better than the people before and remember that life can be hard. We all need that push and help. So be kind and help out those who can't always help themselves. Until tomorrow folks, this was....just a thought.

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Just a Thought....Coping.

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