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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Just a Thought...Winter.

Just a Thought....Hello Winter. I know that there are people that like summer and the Texas heat. I usually don't mind the heat but at some point, it gets to be ridiculous. When it is nine o'clock at night and the temperature outside is still in the nineties. C'mon, you have to be kidding me saying you can enjoy that crap. Let alone once it gets over one hundred degrees for weeks on end. It is miserable to a point of not being able to enjoy the day outside. So with a smile on my face and a hot cup of coffee in my hands. I say welcome winter, I have missed you old friend. Time to pull out the jackets, sweaters, and hoodies. It's time for hot chocolate, fires burning and space heaters providing the warmth. It is as close as we get to a real winter here in Texas and it usually doesn't last very long. I have always enjoyed the colder temperatures just because they remind me of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. It is a reminder that the year is almost over and the time to plan for a fresh start and new beginnings. A time to plan to see families and enjoy the company of friends. The time people find forgiveness, faith, and love. The season has usually been a downer since my father passed away but I think I am really looking forward to this holiday season. I know that last year was tough because I was injured and by the time I was ready to return to work, most of the holidays had already passed. It was tough sledding last year. I am praying that God has mercy on me this year and lets me be upright for this holiday season. I will be getting my thermal pants and shirts, gloves and long sleeve shirt ready for tomorrow. It's the first freezing night here in the area. So those of you who live elsewhere and are used to so much cold weather, I am envious. I really wish it would snow. But that is asking too much. So I will end it here and get to bed, ready to face the weather tomorrow. This was just a thought.

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