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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Just a Thought...Coffee.

Just a Thought.....Coffee. So as a writer one of my favorite things to do is sit down at my desk in front of my laptop with a nice fresh piping hot cup of java. The nectar of the These days there are some many variations of ways to consume coffee. Cold, Iced, Latte, Expresso and the good old fashioned way, fresh brewed. It's even progressed so much that you can have art put in your cup. I still prefer the old fashioned way but do enjoy a nice iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks. Everybody has their own special way to enjoy their cup of joe. It also doesn't matter the time of day, it is always the right time for coffee. Even people who don't like coffee so much, like my wife, do enjoy the aroma that comes from the coffee pot. I can remember drinking my first sip of coffee as a kid and thinking to myself, how can adults drink this awful stuff? It wasn't until I was about nineteen and really hungover from underage drinking, that one of my cousins suggested that we stop at 7-11 and get a cup of coffee to help sober up. I agreed, the way I was feeling that morning, I would have tried anything. I remember I made it really sweet with lots of creamers. It was like heaven in a cup. After that, I was hooked and haven't looked back since. It's the best when it is cold outside and you're holding a steaming cup. It serves a purpose of duality, one to wake your ass up for the day, the second to is keep your hands warm in the cold weather. The smells bring back memories of when my Dad, Mom, and grandma along with my great aunt Birdie would be up late drinking decaf coffee and playing cards in the kitchen. Coffee can still advance with different varieties, different styles in which to serve it but as long as I can have it hot with cream and a little artificial sweetener, I will be happy as a lark. So until tomorrow when I can wake up and enjoy a few cups of Juan Valdez's finest work just remember to tip your barista and that this was....just a thought.

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